Monthly Archive: February, 2014

On the way to Chimee Lakhang

Ah! A few words of note: First, the temple is almost a dot in the way back. Like all temples ("lakhang" means temple), it has a golden roof. You can see it at… Continue reading

Street scene and current fashion

of all ages in Japan.

Another good sample (last one)

Where is she from?

Answer: I have no idea. Our guide said she is half-Japanese…

An attempt to explain… this

Phalluses are everywhere in Bhutan. We’ll see them again, because there are awesome samples of them painted on the most normal homes. They also tend to hang under the eaves and gently loll… Continue reading


like only the Japanese have, and enjoy. Hello Kitty? They love it, too

Popularity of a spot

…can be measured by the amount of prayer flags posted.